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  /  Editor's Pick   /  Liberals have a new Supreme Court target and you won’t believe who it is

Liberals have a new Supreme Court target and you won’t believe who it is

Seton Hall Law Assistant Dean Brian Sheppard treated such turnovers on the Court in strictly transactional terms, calling for Congress to ‘buy out’ justices by offering them ‘large sums of money.’ Georgetown Law Professor Josh Chafetz and others are interested in taking a more active approach to making continuation on the Court as unpleasant as possible — at least for conservatives. Chafetz previously declared that the ‘mob is right’ in targeting and harassing justices, and he told a law school panel in 2022 that ‘I want to suggest that courts are the enemy, and always have been.’ He suggested that Congress should retaliate against conservative justices by considering the withdrawal of funding for law clerks or even ‘cutting off the Supreme Court’s air conditioning budget.’ When the audience laughed at that absurd suggestion, it reportedly triggered fellow panelist and Harvard Law professor Ryan Doerfler, who shot back at the crowd: ‘It should not be a laugh line. This is a political contest, these are the tools of retaliation available, and they should be completely normalized.’ He added that liberals should destroy the idea that the Court is an ‘untouchable entity and you’re on the road to authoritarianism if you stand up against it.’Apparently, it is better to do that than wait for some biological clock to toll. By cutting off the air conditioning daily and harassing justices at home nightly, activists may finally induce some jurists to flee the Court. These are the voices that dominate at some of our leading law schools, teaching students that opposing views should not be tolerated on our highest court. Doerfler is correct about one thing: There is nothing laughable about what they are suggesting. We must decide as a people if we will protect our courts or will reduce their makeup to a simple matter of turning up a thermostat.  This post appeared first on FOX NEWS